Capturing Success
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Capturing Success

The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year

by Vikki Hidde on 02/06/13

Why not X? Since, X is the Roman numeral for TEN. What would be the first ten things you would do if you found yourself unemployed or needing a new job?

The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year

by Vikki Hidde on 02/05/13

X- Are you like many of my trusted associates? What can be used as X? Writing around difficulties offers the opportunity for creativity, when presented with a box or dead-end. One could coin a new word or words. Why not xplore your immediate career opportunities? Then there was xamine your strengths and weaknesses in order to transition into your new position. Use your xpertise to become a content expert and add value to your next position. Or take a moment to xhale and catch your breath before you launch a job search. The list is almost endless with ex words transformed to X words. There is value to brainstorming when you find yourself faced with dilemma - it is very interesting how the brain works.

The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year

by Vikki Hidde on 02/04/13

W- Would you agree that you have the opportunity to write-your-own-ticket and obtain a rewarding career position? Or would your mindset see only the despair surrounding your unique situation which you feel is stymieing your career growth? At this writing in most markets 94% of Americans have jobs and in certain areas of the country that number is higher. But in other areas, the number might be slightly lower. What would it take from you to keep the job you have (if you are employed) and broaden your skill set? Should you find yourself jobless, why should a company hire you?

The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year

by Vikki Hidde on 02/01/13

V- Are you vigilant and alert to new job opportunities? Have you applied SWOT analysis to your job search? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that you face in your job search. Do you sharpen your skills by taking advantage of training and educational seminars? Do you attend professional organizational meetings where continuing education units are offered? What would you need to do to take your career to the next level?

The ABCs of Career Management for the New Year

by Vikki Hidde on 01/31/13

U- Do you have a sense of urgency when you approach tasks? As you review tasks, do you understand deadlines and have a record for meeting target completion dates? There is nothing more frustrating than being put in the position of having to become a firefighter when a little planning and efficient execution would minimize disruptions and facilitate the smooth completion of a task. Whether it is completing projects at work, evaluating your career options or managing a job search, you need to approach the project with a sense of urgency.

Vicki's Blog
Click here for a printable list of "The ABCs of Career Management of the New Year"